Monday, 27 April 2009

Expedition in Central America

Just over a week ago I retired from the magical landscape of Costa Rica and Nicaragua and the great people I was fortunate enough to meet in my travels and volunteer work there. For the 3 months of my expedition I had brought with me an Olympus Trip 35 camera, an old point and shoot from the 70's, in almost pristine condition. I also brought with me a small sized Moleskine sketchbook which I brought almost everywhere. I kept a journal in it as well, and now is my chance to upload everything and share the places I've been, the things I've done and the people I've met.

When I arrived in Costa Rica, I stayed in a Hostel in San Jose for two days, where I met up with some friends and volunteers before heading off to the fieldbase in Turrialba, 2 hours eastwards to meet up with the rest of the volunteers and project managers and co-ordinators.

After a short week of jungle and survival training I was on a bus heading to Miraflor, northern Nicaragua which became a 2 day bus journey. There I was to live and work with an indigenous community in some valleys within the Miraflor region called San Ramon. We were to help build a community centre for the adults, right next to the school the charity organisation helped build back in 1997. This would be my home for the next 3 weeks, living with a family inside a shack, sleeping on a wooden bench with potato sacks.

These are just a few pictures from my arrival on the 2 days (you can find more on my flickr account).


Samo Fleïhan said...

wow. love the pic. looks like youve had a great time there.

Dean Hedman said...

thanks samo, yeah it really was incredible. so glad I did it. :P